Sleep Better - Your Free Hypnosis Relaxation Audio Track

Can’t sleep? Feeling tired and stressed?

Try Hypnosis for a better night’s sleep today by signing up for my free Sleep relaxation track.

Sign up for your free hypnosis relaxation specially designed to help you relax and sleep more soundly.

Learn more about how the key to falling asleep and reaching a deep, healing dream state is relaxation through this guided hypnosis audio.

Why Can’t I Sleep? Hypnotherapy for Insomnia

Often when you are struggling to sleep your mind is racing with thoughts - about work, relationships or worries about the world.

Added to that, you might be feeling tense, stressed and full of nervous energy.

Sleep is a natural state that is activated by the body’s own ‘Rest & Digest’ system.
The same system that aids digestion, physical healing, birth and mental calm.

Learning to relax both mind and body is a life skill that improves sleep, focus, creativity, physical health and mental wellbeing.

My audio recording is a gentle way to be guided into a completely relaxed state so that you can fall asleep quickly, access the deepest parts of both the REM and dreamless, restorative phases of sleep.

How to Use Your Sleep Hypnosis Recording

All you need to do is ensure you have a quiet room to listen to the track (you may prefer headphones) and where you won’t be disturbed.

Simply follow the sound of my voice, bring your attention inwards and go with the suggestions with an open mind.

Please do not listen to the track whilst you are driving or when you need to be awake and alert.

Hypnotherapy Sessions in Guildford & Online

If you would like to get to the bottom of your sleep issues and learn how you can feel completely rested, book your free phone consultation today.


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