What’s the Worst Case Scenario? Fear of death & serious illness.

I had a conversation with a person recently about their anxiety and it centred on their fear of death. 

Scared of dying? Perhaps you are scared of losing control.

I believe that a fear of death is really a fear of living.

A fear of getting to the end of life and thinking - what have I done with my life?

What am I going to regret? What am I going to wish I did more of or spent more time with?

A fear of what we can’t control through worrying. 

Death has been in our conversations and thoughts more often than normal over the past year thanks to Covid so it’s no surprise that anxieties around health and wellness have been on the rise. 

Working in a therapeutic environment you get the chance sooner rather than later (it’s never too late btw) to start making small but significant changes to the ways you view yourself, your thoughts, feelings and lifestyle habits.

You get the chance in each moment, with support:
To move past the old, comfortable but unhelpful habits that keep you away from your values.

To reassure you that you are not alone in finding the ups and downs of life challenging AND to teach you ways to regulate yourself. 

To feel comfort in the present moment, to face your fears head on and to get cosy with the idea that whilst you can’t control everything around you, it is possible to take committed action in order to look after yourself and lead a fulfilling life.

Acceptance is a core principle of my work with anxiety and is something I would encourage you to find if you are struggling with anxious feelings.

Hypnotherapy for health anxiety

If you know that something has to change and you are ready to put yourself first, then I would love to hear from you. 

Book your free telephone consultation call here to discuss how therapy can help you.


How to Find Inner Peace: Discover Your Psychological Flexibility


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